Host Green are distributors for Wind driven roof ventilator, Dual type (wind & power) roof ventilator from CSR Australia, Tubular Daylighting from SG Eco Philippines, HVLS Fans from EVEL Windependence Italy, Textile air ducting from Texair Russia, Die cleaning machine from CM SpA surface cleaning Italy, Hand cleaning products from Reinol India and Flexible solar panels and accessories from ODE Italy. We can help to SAVE ENERGY and reduce Carbon Foot Print. We provide a quality product to SAVE ENERGY, SAVE MONEY and help to achieve safe and comfortable working conditions to increase productivity.
We provide free energy from Sun, Use wind energy to reduce heat and humidity from your industrial building and providing better working condition to increase your productivity and bring natural Sun light without heat to inside the single story building spaces to save energy.
Provide design, built, demonstrate, test and commissioning solar system, wind driven roof ventilator, dual type (wind and & electrical) ventilator and natural day lighting. Our products save energy and helps Planets to Go GREEN. We can visit your facility and access your requirements with ventilator, Day lighting system and Solar panels.
Recognized leader in the engineering and construction of automatic centrifugal wheel type blast cleaning and shot peening machines for surface treatment
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The use of cutting-edge production technology combined with our extensive
experience operating in the HVAC sphere (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) has provided us a means to manufacture high-quality products.
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It is an SABS accredited chemical manufacturer of handcleaners, general purpose cleaners and degreasers as well as many other cleaning related chemicals for industrial, commercial and retail markets.
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HVLS ceiling fans will suit your commercial or industrial space. EVEL HVLS fans are designed to be some of the most efficient and durable fans in the industry.
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Sky tunnel XL2 is a Tubular Day lighting device, or commonly known as Tubular Skylight. It is made up to 3 major components, roof parts, attic parts and ceiling part.
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EcoPower combines natural ventilation with a high efficiency electronically commutated (EC) motor in a single unit to ensure reliable and on-demand peak performance..
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